Theory revision

 Media ownership/regulation

It suggest that media/social media has it own rules to follow and there is a serious consequences that could


It suggest a beneficial cross promotional tactics that is used by companies.

An example: a collaboration between McDonald and the new upcoming Mario movie, in which benefits both companies

Cross Media Convergence

New Media

Agenda Setting


US Law: Section 230

Technological Convergence

Hegemonic Groups 

Moral Panic 

Suggest that fears that are spread by the media, something small that could get exaggerated by the media.

Post modernism

Paull Baudrillad

suggest that every media is a copy of a copy, nothing is original anymore, he separate it into tow which are heightened reality and hyperreality which he concluded that audience prefer hyperreality more

Post Colonialism

Edward Said

Suggest that many representation in modern media are link to colonial past. It shows how British are more superior than the 'other' by making them look civilized, well spoken, white, polite, military,  

An example would be Kardashian tv show, it is highly scripted TV show and yet people seems to enjoy it. They show how the Kardashian live their life.
